on justice -Benedict/James Orbinski

''Justice only fails when we fail to imagine that it is possible. But like so many things, it depends not only on imaginings but on what we do.'' - James Orbinski

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

And then it hit me...!

Mmm... 最近比較忙! 這禮拜初中﹐小學的課也排的很滿 - 今天在太宰府中學校的時候還忘記下午還必需趕到另一間小學FOR ENGLISH CLUB。>_< ... So, 除了SUMIMASEN 也只能

不過﹐剛才隨意的看了一下四月份去別府的照片後﹐ and then... it hit me! 突然MOTIVATION又來了。念過"願"的你們﹐不覺得照片裡的公園跟劇中的場景很相似嗎? hehe~!

對了-最近趁有空的時候會在YOUTUBE上看"換換愛"。裡面的劇情有時候有點repetitive+obvious﹐可是我覺得演技真的不錯 (except for one character... her acting makes me itch -_-;)。

以下是我目前在劇中的 favourite character:


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