Especially when shortening my elementary boy students' names and adding ちゃん(chan) at the end; I find it endearing, the girls find it SOOO FUNNY, and the boys? Well, they just dread it, and you can tell by the way they're squinting when they hear me call: 『マッチャン!』or 『リョッチャン!』
『やめてよ!!』they'd say while pouting, or shout back 『マメくん!!』as their [weak] comeback. Then, we'd settle in a TICKLING match, and of course, I curl up in the corner like a sorry catepillar and lose.
But, I still love to call them by their unique, KAWAIIII nicknames.
And recently, I've been collecting my own.
Tomorrow, elementary school again! With 4th and 6th graders. Both equally cute, but one is much noisier than the other.
Ai, I need some avocado/banana juice to cure my dry throat.
* * * *
And.... allow me to introduce to you, my NEWFOUND LOVE.

He can be found among all the other DELICIOUSLY DECORATED cream-puffed pastries under the honourable name of....
(And yes, Mr. Gloop, it is TEN THOUSAND TIMES BETTER than the pitiful parfait we gulped down in Osaka. You'd flap your Nachooo wings like a crazy turkey on fire if you get a taste of this. get rrrrrrrready. Fukuoka 2008?)
Ladies and gentlemen [who are now drooling in front of your computer monitor],
...get your ticket to Japan to catch a glimpse (or a bite) of the IRRESISTABLE, DASHING DESSERT OF THE MONTH.
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