... TAIWAN!!!
I have no pictures to show - and didn't even take as many pictures as I should this time.
Because there are too many things to see and enjoy at the moment being - that I'd rather chat with my grandparents than take still pictures of them, that smelling and savouring the food beats the tasteless snapshots of XIAO LONG BAO and SHAO BING YOU TIAO, and funny jokes that are told on the bus, on the way home are just too spontaneous to be captured - even if I did buy an expensive video camera for the purpose of capturing important moments as such those.
Hence, this post is pictureless.
But... what a WONDERFUL TIME in Taiwan I'm having!
Church in the morning with granpa and grandma,
2nd Breakfast with Grandpa, (note: 2nd... SECOND breakfast. Meaning, DOU JIANG and SHAO BING YOU TIAO after MAN TOU, FRUITS, COFFEE and YOGOURT during 1st Breakfast. My stomach size has doubled since I arrived here. In fact, I think it automatically stretches whenever I fly back to the LAND OF GUILTY YUMMINESS...)
Shopping with Ni in Taipei, (Chanel Lessons)
Eating supper with Ni and Allen, - who are one of my favourite companies in TW,
Funny cockroach incidents (but almost scared me to death) on the bus,
Chatting over ice cream,
... and just enjoying each other's company....
I'm loving it.
5 years ago
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